On pages to show schematically the relative positions of various behaviour patterns. The horizontal coordinate is the masculinity/femininity ratio running from 100% masculine on the left to 100% feminine on the right. Vertically above this base line are degrees of sexual effectiveness in the male role running from 0 to 100%. Below the base line is 0 to 100% sexual effectiveness in the female role. Naturally, performance in either role depends on both psychological and physiological capability. Thus the catagories established on the chart are variable combi- nations of masculinity, femininity and of psycho-sexual capability.
and appear two charts which attempt
Before launching into a discussion of these charts, three things should be mentioned. Firstly, this chart is not intended as a graph in the sense that one could read it and say "I am here at this point". The lines of demark- ation are arbitrary not absolute. They are intended to show relationships rather than actualities and relative positions rather than definite locations. Secondly, this is not a chart of "progress" showing changes from one "stage" to another nor is there any attempt to outline the characteristics of each area except in terms of the coordinates used. If movement is to be determined from the chart it will be from left to right and from top to bottom due both to the "development" of the individual and to the lessening male ability with age. The primary determination for personal use of the chart is to decide within one's self whether he is truly interested in females or in other males--that is whether he is above or below the base line. With this determination made one can search out his general catagory.
A. "NORMAL MEN" This group is difficult to limit. Al- though obviously those with greatest masculinity and greatest female-seeking drive will certainly be considered in this group it does not mean that normal men of low sex drive and higher femininity quotient do not exist. Such persons would actually be charted right in the middle of what is designated as the "true transvestite range". But as indicated above this is a chart of relationships between patterns, not a graph of individual qualities. The upper limit declines to the right indicating that the greater the feminine component in a personality the less the